Michel Delville, “The European Neo-Avant-Garde,” ENAG Collective Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming 2021

Marie-Pierre Burquier,  “Faillite de la plénitude hollywoodienne dans les remontages de Martin Arnold Béance du fond, étoilement de la figure,“ in revue Théorème, forthcoming 2021

Martine Beugnet, “Le cinéma et ses doubles. L’image de film à l’ère du foundfootage numérique et des écrans de poche,” in Editions Bord de l'eau (Bordeaux: 2021)

Justin Remes, “Absence in Cinema: The Art of Showing Nothing,” (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020)

Marie-Pierre Burquier, “Le corps animal chez Martin Arnold,” in Marie-Garré Nicoara (ed.), Corps béant, corps morcelé dans les arts scéniques et visuels, in Éditions Modulaires Européennes (Paris: printemps 2018)

Emmanuelle André, "Martin Arnold. Animals, Tamers, and Clowns," in Mousse. Contemporary Art Magazine, Issue# 62 (Milano, February /March 2018)

David Campany, “The Book of Film,” in The Photobook Review no 15, Aperture 2018

Emmanuelle André, "Martin Arnold on Walt Disney: to show per via di levare (by means of subtraction)," in Screen, Volume 58, Issue 2 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, June 2017)

David Bering-Porter, "The automaton in all of us: GIF's, cinemagraphs and the films of Martin Arnold," in The Moving Image Review & Art Journal, vol. 3, no. 2 (Bristol: Intellect, 2015)

James Leo Cahill, “Martin Arnold’s Gross Anatomies,“ in Gross Anatomies (cat.), ed. Martin Janda (Vienna: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2015)

Kirsty Bell, “One need not be a chamber to be haunted,“ in Gross Anatomies (cat.), ed. Martin Janda (Vienna: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2015)

Angela Stief, "Black Holes. Martin Arnold in conversation with Angela Stief," in Gross Anatomies (cat.), ed. Martin Janda (Vienna: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2015)


MARTIN ARNOLD GROSS ANATOMIES. Texts by Kirsty Bell & James Leo Cahill. Interview with Angela Stief. English, 96 pages, illustrations in color, Hardcover, ISBN 9783•86984•524•1. Published by Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Vienna 2015

Éric Thouvenel and Carole Contant, “Du principe de hasard, et du fun, entretien avec Martin Arnold,” in Fabriques du cinéma expérimental, Paris Expérimental coll. „Classiques de l‘avant-garde“ (Paris, 2014)

Angela Stief, “Salon der Obsession. Eine Wiener Herrenrunde. Angela Stief im Gespräch mit Martin Arnold, Bela Borsodi, Thomas Draschan, Hans-Jürgen Hauptmann und Klaus Spiess,” in Kunstforum International, vol. 225 (Berlin, March/April 2014)

Emmanuelle André, “L’image me touche,” in Que peut un image? Le Carnets du BAL, no. 4, ed. Dirk Zabunyan (Paris: LeBAL/Textuel, 2014)

George Toles, “A Gash in the Portrait: Martin Arnold’s Deanimated,” in The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media, eds. Carol Vernallis, Amy Herzog and John Richardson (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “EXC03 Cinemnesis: Martin Arnold’s Memory Apparatus,” in Ex-Cinema. From A Theory of Experimental Film and Video (Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford: University of California Press, 2012)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “EXC07 Digesture: Gestures without Bodies,” in Ex-Cinema. From A Theory of Experimental Film and Video (Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford: University of California Press, 2012)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “EXC10 xxxxMA,” in Ex-Cinema. From A Theory of Experimental Film and Video (Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford: University of California Press, 2012)

Martin Kanuch, “Arnold in Action,” in fotograf. magazine of photography and visual culture, no. 19 (Prague, 2012)

Steve Anker, “Reanimator, Stutterer, Eraser. Martin Arnold and the Ghosts of Cinema,” in Film Unframed. A History of Austrian Avant-Garde Cinema, ed. Peter Tscherkassky (Vienna: Synema Verlag, 2012)

Emmanuelle André, “L’hystérie, l’image, le cinéma,” in Le choc du sujet. De l’hystérie au cinéma (XIX - XXI siècle), coll. Le Spectaculaire cinéma (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011)

Erika Balsom, “A Cinephilic Avant-Garde: the Films of Peter Tscherkassky, Martin Arnold, and Gustav Deutsch,” in New Austrian Film, eds. Robert von Dassanowsky and Oliver C. Speck (Oxford: Berghahn, 2011)

Guilliaume Désanges, “Martin Arnold,” in DITS, no. 15 (Boussu: Musée des Arts Contemporains de la Communauté française de Belgique, Fall-Winter 2010)

Silvio Belloi and Michel Delville, “Understanding the Loop: Gertrude Stein, Martin Arnold,” in Hidden Agendas, Unreported Poetics, ed. Louis Armand (Prague: Litteraria Pragensia Books, 2010)

Martin Mazanec, “Vinetou = Arnulf Rainer,” in Cinepur, no. 68, interview (Prague, March 2010)

Martin Blažíček, “Profil Martin Arnold,” in Cinepur, no. 68 (March 2010)

Jonathan Thonon, “À perte de vue. Les archives cinématographiques à l‘épreuve de la disparition,” in MethIS. Pratiques du document, no. 2 (Liège, 2009)

Jonathan Thonon, “Les impermanences du ‘corps filmique’. Pathologies et blessures de l‘image dans la pratique contemporaine du found footage,” in Penser la création audiovisuelle – cinéma, télévision, multimédia, eds. Emmanuelle André, François Jost, Jean-Luc Lioult and Guillaume Soulez (Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l‘Université de Provence, 2009)

George Toles, “A few Moments of Arousal in a Film by Martin Arnold,” in Exile Cinema – Filmmakers at Work Beyond -Hollywood, ed. Michael Atkinson (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “Digesture: Gesture and Inscription in Experimental Cinema,” in Migrations of Gesture, eds. Carrie Noland and Sally Ann Ness (Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press, 2008)

Florian Huber, “Martin Arnold und die Fortschreibung der Avantgarden,” in Bildsatz. Texte zur Bildenden Kunst, eds. Franz Josef Czernin and Martin Janda (Köln: Dumont Verlag, 2008)

James Leo Cahill, “…and afterwards? Martin Arnold’s - Phantom Cinema,” in Spectator. Deaths of Cinema, special issue, no. 27 (Los Angeles, Summer 2007)

James Leo Cahill, “The Cineseizure,” in Martin Arnold: The Cineseizure (Vienna: Index; Paris: Re/Voir, 2006)

Daniel Herbert, “To Mock a Killingbird: Passage à l’Acte and the Dissymmetries of Cultural Exchange,” in Millenium Film Journal, no. 45/46 (New York, Fall 2006)

Zsuzsa Baross, “The Future of the Past: The Cinema,” in Angelaki. Journal of Theoretical Humanities, vol. 11, no. 1 (London: Routledge Press, 2006)

Michele Pierson, “Special Effects in Martin Arnold’s and Peter Tscherkassky’s Cinema of Mind,” in Discourse, vol. 28, no. 2 – 3 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, Fall 2006)

Wolfgang Pircher, “Hollywoods Gespenster – Martin Arnolds filmische Dekonstruktionsarbeit,” in Film Denken, eds. Brigitte Mayr, Ludwig Nagl and Eva Waniek (Vienna: Synema, 2005)

Emmanuelle André, “En souvenir du professeur Charcot – La démontage hystérique de Martin Arnold,” in Trafic, no. 49 (Paris, Spring 2004)

Laura Mulvey, “Deanimated. Laura Mulvey in conversation with Martin Arnold,” in Fact Annual, 2003 (Liverpool: Fact, 2004)

Patrick Traven, “Le cinéma au musée: le cinéma médusé!” in Balthazar, no. 6 (Paris, Fall 2003)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “Martin Arnold,” in Future Cinema - The Cinematic Imaginary - after Film, eds. Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel (Karlsruhe/Cambridge: ZKM/MIT Press, 2003)

Stéphane Delorme, “Le cinéma déserté de Martin Arnold,” in Cahiers du Cinéma, no. 574 (Paris, 2003)

Thomas Miessgang, “Jenseits der Wörter / Beyond the Words,” in Martin Arnold: Deanimated (cat.) (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 2002)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “----MA / ----MA,” in Martin Arnold: Deanimated (cat.) (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag 2002)

Wolfgang Pircher, “Vom Dasein des Verschwundenen / On the Presence of the Vanished,” in Martin Arnold: Deanimated (cat.) (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag 2002)


MARTIN ARNOLD DEANIMATED. Texts by Akira Mizuta Lippit, Thomas Miessgang & Wolfgang Pircher, English/German, 64 pages, Softcover, ISBN 3•211•83830•9. Published by Springer-Verlag, Wien New York 2002

Stéphane Delorme, “Found footage, mode d’emploi,” in Cahiers du Cinéma, special issue, no. 25 (Paris, May 2000)

Eva Waniek, “Le cinéma et le corps: un art du luxe,” in Florilège Scratch, eds. Yann Beauvais and Jean-Damien Collin (Paris: Scratch, 1999)

Jacques Kermabon, “Martin Arnold. Scratcher Hollywood,” in Bref. Le magazine du court métrage, no. 40 (Paris, 1999)

Scott MacDonald, “Martin Arnold,” in A Critical Cinema: Interviews with Independent Filmmakers (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1998)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “Martin Arnold’s Memory Machine,” in Afterimage. The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, vol. 24, no. 6 (Rochester, 1997)

Scott MacDonald, “Martin Arnold”, in L’art du mouvement. Collection cinématographique du Musée nationale d’art moderne 1919 – 1996 (cat.), ed. Jean - Michael Bohours (Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996)

Peter Tscherkassky, “Brève histoire du cinéma d’avant-garde autrichien,” in L’avant-garde autrichienne au cinéma 1955 – 1993 (Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996)

Scott MacDonald, “Martin Arnold,” in A Critical Cinema: Interviews with Independent Filmmakers (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1998)

Akira Mizuta Lippit, “Martin Arnold’s Memory Machine,” in Afterimage. The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, vol. 24, no. 6 (Rochester, 1997)

Scott MacDonald, “Martin Arnold”, in L’art du mouvement. Collection cinématographique du Musée nationale d’art moderne 1919 – 1996 (cat.), ed. Jean-Michael Bohours (Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996)

Peter Tscherkassky, “Brève histoire du cinéma d’avant-garde autrichien,” in L’avant-garde autrichienne au cinéma 1955 – 1993 (Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996)

Maureen C. Turim, “Eine Begegnung mit dem Bild. Martin Arnolds ‘pièce touchée’,” in Avantgardefilm. Österreich. 1950 bis heute, eds. Alexander Horwath, Lisl Ponger and Gottfried Schlemmer (Vienna: Verlag Wespennest, 1995)

Scott MacDonald, “Sp.. Sp.. Spaces of Inscription. Scott MacDonald im Gespräch mit Martin Arnold,” in Avantgardefilm Österreich. 1950 bis heute, eds. Alexander Horwath, Lisl Ponger and Gottfried Schlemmer (Vienna: Verlag Wespennest, 1995)

Claus Philipp, “Tanz mit Fundstücken. Martin Arnold und seine Filme,” in Gegenschuß, ed. Peter Illetschko (Vienna: Verlag Wespennest, 1995)

Scott MacDonald, “Sp.. Sp.. Spaces of Inscription: An interview with Martin Arnold,” in Film Quaterly, vol. 48, no. 1 (Oakland, 1994)

Peter Tscherkassky, “The Light of Peripherie. A brief history of Austrian Avant-Garde Cinema,” in Austrian Avant - Garde Cinema 1955 – 1993 (cat.) (Vienna, 1994)

Gabriele Jutz, “Pièce touchée ou l’espace filmique réécrit,” in Sémiotiques, no. 4 (Paris: June 1993)

Stefan Grissemann, “Metal Beat. Methoden der Verstümmelung und Neuordnung in Martin Arnolds Film ‘Passage á l’ Acte’,” in Blimp. Zeitschrift für Film, no. 22/23 (Graz, 1993)

Peter Tscherkassky, “Die Analogien der Avantgarde,” in Found Footage Film, eds. Cecilia Hausheer and Christoph Settele (Luzern: Viper/zyklop Verlag, 1992)